GLF's Central Policies are accessed via Sharepoint and updated regularly. They include the list below:-
Please follow this link to the GLF trust policies
- Behaviour towards staff by parents, carers, and visitors
- Charging and Remissions
- Complaints policy and procedural guide
- Diversity and inclusion policy
- E-safety
- Exclusions
- GDPR - data protection
- GDPR - information security
- GDPR - protection of biometric information information of children in schools
- GDPR - privacy notice for job applicants
- GDPR - privacy notice for parents
- GDPR - privacy notice for pupils
- GDPR - privacy notice for the GLF workforce
- GDPR - privacy notice for visitors
- GDPR - retention schedule
- GDPR - schools freedom of information
- Health and safety
- Health and safety Covid addendum
- Intimate care
- ICT acceptable use
- Off-site activities
- SEND & inclusion policy
- Whistleblowing
For the latest DFE guidance on exclusions please click here
In additional to GLF's central policies we have the following school policies available below: