GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Home School Agreement

Cuddington Croft is a highly successful school that supports each child to thrive personally, socially and academically. We give our children opportunities to develop enquiring minds, a lifelong love of learning and to become well-rounded members of the community. At Cuddington Croft, we strongly believe in celebrating every success and preparing our children for the future.



  • To provide high quality teaching and support by means of a broad, rich and innovative curriculum, taking account of your child’s individual needs.
  • To instil high aspirations and to encourage your child to become a more independent, resilient, life long learner who embraces challenges and continues to grow.
  • To provide a safe, caring, happy and stimulating learning environment.
  • To promote our 6C values: Committed, Calm, Courageous, Cooperative, Creative and Caring as a school wide approach to behaviour and learning, which enables us to talk about how we learn, foster excellent behaviour and give our children lifelong skills.
  • To celebrate your child's personal and academic achievements. 
  • To actively promote and support your child's understanding of their role in the wider school community and how they can have an impact on the world around them. 
  • To help pupils to recognise and speak out against online abuse or bullying and misuse of social media.
  • To encourage, reward and support excellent levels of attendance at school.


  • To provide regular, relevant homework which enhances the learning from the classroom.
  • To maximise the opportunity for home reading by the regular exchange of books (when necessary).


  • To provide two parent evenings to discuss progress and agree action points for each child.
  • To communicate two written reports which will discuss the progress of your child, celebrating their strengths and explaining how together we can support them in their areas for development.
  • To send regular newsletters and maintain effective communication between all members of the school community.
  • Through our school website, we will regularly provide information to you about our school, including relevant policies, meetings, workshops, activities, curriculum grids, newsletters and open days.


  • To encourage your child to show friendship and respect for others and to abide by the school behaviour policy, ensuring a safe, caring environment for all.
  • To promote and achieve high standards of behaviour based on the school’s behaviour policy.
  • To deal with problems sympathetically and fairly, having listened to your child’s point of view.


  • To continue to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, as set out in our school Safeguarding policy, (which is available on our website and as a paper copy through the school), the school appoints a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).  The local authority requires DSLs to report any obvious or suspected case of child abuse. This procedure is intended to protect children at risk and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that where there are grounds for suspicion it is better to be safe than sorry.

We undertake to support the school’s aims as set out above.

M Skelton and S Maclean 

Head of School and Executive Headteacher  




  • To support the school's ethos, values and aims.
  • To ensure my child's attendance every day, is punctual and prepared for learning.
  • To ensure my child is wearing named school clothing in line with the school uniform policy and that the PE kit is worn to school on their PE day or that their PE kit is in school every day (depending on the guidance applicable at the time).
  • To collect my child punctually, and advise the school if I am going to be late or if there is a change to the pick up arrangements at the end of the day.
  • To support and encourage my child to make good progress, and ensure that the school is aware of any concerns, which may affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  • To attend parent consultation meetings about my child’s progress in order to work collaboratively to celebrate their achievements and support my child further. 
  • To support the school’s behaviour policy and actively promote this with my child.
  • To support the school's safeguarding policy in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. 
  • To park considerately outside of school in order to ensure the safety of our whole school community.


  • To communicate effectively with the school through the appropriate channels. 
  • To make the school aware of any concerns or problems that may affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  • To inform school of any absences and provide an email stating reasons for absence when your child returns.
  • To provide the school with current emergency contact numbers and to keep this information updated.
  • To encourage a positive attitude towards my child’s education and our school.
  • To come and discuss any concerns with the school if I have them.
  • To ensure that I read all information sent home as this gives me important details of relevant policies, meetings, activities, newsletters and key dates and where appropriate respond within the appropriate time frame.


  • To encourage my child's learning in all areas of life and support them with their homework.
  • To communicate and check the school contact book daily and to sign each week (EYFS/Years 1-2).
  • To promote reading opportunities and regularly read with my child at home.



  • To actively demonstrate our 6C values: Creative, Caring, Calm, Cooperative, Committed and Courageous.
  • To have high expectations of myself with my learning, friendships and behaviour.
  • To always try my best and demonstrate a growth mindset towards new challenges.
  • To show kindness and respect to the school community.
  • To take care of my own appearance and look after my own belongings.
  • To be responsible for my learning by bringing in all the equipment I need for school every day. 
  • To take responsibility for others belongings and show respect for the school environment.
  • To behave according to the school’s behaviour expectations, which includes representing the school at sporting, school trips or other events.
  • To celebrate my achievements and the achievements of others. 
  • To make every effort to complete homework on time and to the best of my ability in the set time given.
  • To talk to a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy about my learning or relationships either at home or at school. 
  • To follow the expectations of E-safety when using electronic devices.
  • To act in a safe way and follow the school’s rules and expectations. 
  • To do my best to attend school and be on time every day.



Information and Communication Technology (ICT), including the internet, digital and mobile technologies have become an important part of learning in our school.  We expect all children to act safely and be responsible when using any ICT so they become responsible, competent, confident and creative learners.

These rules have been prepared to ensure that children stay safe when using the ICT equipment.  By using the ICT in school you and your child agree to the following:

  • To always ask an adult before using the internet at school and will use ICT for school purposes only.
  • To always log-on using your own user name and password.
  • To not share user name and password (with the exception of parents/carers or teachers).
  • To not give to anyone their personal details eg phone number or address.
  • To let an adult know if they see something online that upsets them.
  • To always send polite and friendly messages.
  • To only upload or add images, videos, sounds or text that would not upset anyone.
  • To think before printing, opening files or deleting.
  • To follow the E-Smart rules:

              E Everything is personal - do not share any information about yourself
              S Keep your password a secret
              M Only write polite messages
              A Ask before going on the internet 
              R Always follow the rules 
              T Tell a grown up if you find something on the internet that does not feel right 


Having discussed these aims with my child I undertake to support him / her to achieve them

Child’s Name:   ……………………………………………………………

Signed:  …………………….……………………………………… Parent/Guardian

Dated:   ………………………………………………